
Friday, June 26, 2015

cheers to the weekend!

another friday that i'm happy to see!
what about you? how was your week? sunday is supposed to be cool and rainy in my part of the world. i'm already looking forward to walking around the house in socks and having a looooong morning drinking coffee. i'm also considering getting out the paints and the GIANT canvas i've been staring at for months.

i purchased a birthday gift for someone recently and i chose a local shop, (here actually) a shop that features a variety of artists and their work. and that's it. that's all i need to become inspired, just walking into a gallery like that. boom.

surrounded by beautiful paintings, knowing that i have it in me as well to create something as well, however beautiful i suppose is subjective. but inspired i was! i'll let you know if i make nothing turn into something. have a super weekend, cheers!